This letter is missing it's envelope, and Grandpa didn't include the year in his date, so I have had to do some deducing from the letter itself and from a perpetual calendar to decide which Friday the 22nd was the proper one. I believe I have the correct date, and that this letter belonged at the beginning of this series. However, I include it here rather than waiting any longer to transcribe it.
Dear Allene:--
If I could write such dandy--perfectly grand--readable letters as you 'twould give me almost as much pleasure as it does to receive 'em. I'd tell you all the news in the same delightfully interesting way and if I ran short of actual events I'd fill in with probable ones 'till I'd have to use ten cents postage--at least--on each letter. But I'm built on a different plan and am not bestowed with
Had a very pleasant time in San Luis Obispo visiting old friends. Was there a half a day. Arrived in the city [i.e. San Francisco-ed] Saturday night.
Saw Mr. and Mrs. Maze Monday evening for a few minutes only. I was to have phoned them Tuesday noon but failed and when I called at the hotel about four thirty that afternoon they had gone home--or elsewhere?
I've been on the jump every second but expect to take the long one to Elko Sunday, so you'd better address your next letter there.
I suppose by now you are almost accustomed to prison life and find it isn't so bad after all. How about it? There are lots of things that are terrible to take but alright when you get used to 'em.
Did I notice??!!! You called me by my first name.-- I should say I did, dear, and it gave me a very agreeable thrill. Of course I wanted you to call me by the name I used. Think I want you to be painfully formal with me?--Huh?
Oh say I'm enclosing the pictures for you inspection--and collection---I'm offering no comments as you know I want to remain neutral.
Do you know the first place I'm going when I get back to Elko?--Well I won't keep you in suspense--"Twill be the post office, so don't you dare disappoint me.
Buenos noches, dear.
Friday the 22nd
P.S.- "M.H.D." stands for Mae Hutcheson Dalton,- my cousin. [This letter was written on monogrammed stationery-ed.]
P.P.S. Hope this letter passes the board of censors down there.