Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Allene Kelley's Principal's Recommendation

Grandma Allene graduated from Modesto High School in 1915. She was recommended to the California State Normal School in San Jose by Thomas Downey, the principal, but the evidence indicates that she married without attending.

Letters from Grandpa 10 April 1916

The Allen Hotel
Geo. Allen, Prop.
Wells --- Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

No joke this time, Allene Dearest, a note's all tonight 'cause I didn't get a letter today and I'm tired as --- well I am. Left Elko too early for mail this morning and besides I told 'em to forward it, so if there was a letter I'll get it tomorrow and I hope it has company.

Soon as we got here today our patients (two of 'em) pounced in on us and we were busy till a few minutes ago. I pounded my thumbnail in all the excitement and it's all blue, the nail and the air too.

No more paper available so this is what you get. Doc didn't get a very big supply at the office this time, -- but it's "enuff" for me tonight.

Ever yours,

April 10th 1916

P.S. We will be here three or four days -- or more.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Letters from Grandpa 9 April 1916

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

Dearest:- It's only eight thirty and Sunday morning yet I've been up for two hours and a half! What do you think of that? This early rising is growing on me;- getting to be an awful habit. If I didn't have to use both physical and mental forces in my strife for that fortune, perhaps when daylight awakened me I could roll over on the other side and render a bass-viol accompaniment to the birds' spring songs; as it is that early worm is the one I'm after and the lazy late bird goes hungry.

Dr. W. seems to think I'm a funny fellow. I think he's it. Anyway my opinion is that lack of work worries him not; that he'd be perfectly willing to sit calmly down even tho' no patients came. With me ---- well if I know of a prospective patient, say, I go right out after him and, if he's got any notion at all of having the work done, I'll come pretty near landing him. It may not be a strictly ethical method, but as I've told Doc., it's the money we're after, -- not the glory. The first question that's always asked about a man is "what does he do for a living," and if the man in question has the money the conversation's closed --- and I'd like to have those conversations about me very brief.

I hope you'll like the picture I sent you yesterday, Allene dear, -- of course I know it doesn't do me justice (I say that with a "straight" face) but I never carried away the prize from any beauty show, which shows my face is my fortune and I have to work for a living.

'Twas very nice of you dear to send a letter so I'd get it here this morning and I did and I'm going to answer all the questions in it and in the others I've neglected lately.

I remember the color of your hair, and a lot of other nice things I noticed about you dear. If red hair is an excuse for your "spit fire" explosions, it may be necessary for a peroxide or other chemical treatment -- ---unless you can calm (pronounced "cam") yourself down when you feel an outburst approaching;-- can you?

Weather's fine - no snow 'ceptin' in the country and on the mountains. There's plenty there.

Wowie! I'm glad you told me - you're some "card sharper." I'll choose you for a partner when we play bridge.

Tell Hazel I wish she wouldn't come pesterin' around when you're writing to me. It's none of her business anyhow and she got no right to let you use her as an excuse for cutting me short - and she son't need to be standing around waiting for you to "hurry up and finish."

Tomorrow, dear, we go back to Wells for another few days. We're just like a bee in a flower garden.

With love dearest, -
Always yours,

April 9th

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Letters from Grandpa 8 April 1916

Commercial Hotel
W. M. Doyle, Prop.

Miss Allene S Kelley,

Under separate cover I am mailing today (as they say in business correspondence) the pictures - They are self explanatory, I "reckon".

Had a nice little ride down here today. Got your letter just before we left. Glad you saw the Clansman. 'Tis a great picture.

Aw dear there's a whole bunch here in the lobby all talking at once and I can't think let alone write; so accept another excuse from your fortune hunter


April 8th, 1916.

Letters from Grandpa 7 April 1916

The Allen Hotel
Geo Allen, Prop.

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

Allene Dearest, In my yesterday's I said I was "mad" but I wasn't, 'twas only a disappointment. When your letter doesn't come on time I'm disappointed dear, that's all.

Your apology today dear has sort of bro't me to my senses and while I want and will look for a letter from you every day, still I should be content with the knowledge that you care enough for me to write, even tho' you do fail once in awhile.

Now dearest I don't want to be unreasonable or selfish. I think we understand each other and with that mutual understanding let's be honest, and frank, and friendly. I won't hold it against you if you miss a day or two with your writing, because there are times when a fellow just can't, that's all, and I want you to be as lenient and considerate with me. Don't misunderstand me, dearest, and think for a minute that I'm tiring of you, or want to slack up with the writing; that's furtherest from my tho'ts. We're going to be better acquainted and at the earliest possible moment and in the meantime let's be as close to each other as possible.

Today was surely the "cranberry merchant's." I got up at 6:30 and after breakfast I got busy. Well there was no let up until 5:30. No dinner, no nothin', 'cept patients (not patience) and work. Landed a couple of good jobs for next week, - beginning Monday, so we will drive down to Elko tomorrow afternoon and return Monday morning. Address mail here as you have been doing.

With all my love dear,
Just yours,

April 7th, 1916.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Letters from Grandpa 6 Apr 1916

The Allen Hotel
Geo. Allen, Prop.

Miss Allene S. Kelley

Now Dearest, I can appreciate your feelings when you don't get a letter and when there's no apparent excuse 'cept negligence. Today I drew a blank an' I'm mad,--that's all. And just for that I'm going to tell you that we've been busier 'n the proverbial cranberry merchant all day and have another cranberry merchant's day ahead of us----thank God. We just love to work when we need the money and are getting paid for our labors.

Of course, dear, when I'm awfully busy you're neglected----but not forgotten----and this accounts for this excuse of a letter, 'cause I'll have to forgive you as you have forgiven me in the past. But believe me, Allene dear, I don't like neglect at all.

Ever yours

April 6th, 1916