Saturday, May 31, 2014

Letters from Grandpa 21 April 1916

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

My dearest Allene:-
Too late for a letter when I sent telegram yesterday so put off writing till today. A little account of my doings in explanation of my silence is in order, ---after the correspondence card of this morning's mail. 

Left Wells with the best of intentions of carrying out plans as I told you. By phone we learned "our man" was in Elko so we came straight thru' Friday and arranged to "take him on" Saturday morning. Mr. Man didn't feel right when morning came so after talking the thing over we agreed to go out to the ranch Monday and do the work there. Saturday afternoon I was "button-holed" by two men from Wells who insisted on me going back up there to do some surveying. Took train from here early Sunday morning and arrived in Wells about 9:30. Got in their big Packard and went out 50 miles to work. Finished and got back to Wells about 7:30. Was in Elko just a few minutes before midnight. Monday morning packed up and drove the Dodge to the ranch and put in two full day's work -- for which we were well paid -- and we sure need the money, but we are getting out of debt pretty fast.

Haven't had one single chance to write even a postal dear and couldn't have mailed it if I had.

We will leave here for Eureka either Sunday P.M. or Monday morning but think we will stop at a ranch or two on the way. Have received two letters besides this morning's card from you dear since my silence began and in-as-much as they were divided by a couple of day's space I'm not at all surprised at your inquiry. I think I'll be able to keep you posted - better - in the future, ~~~for the very near future at least.

That part of your letter wherein you say you're getting thin again "reads good" to me. I don't like 'em too fat -- nor you that way either. Just stay like you were when I saw you dear.

Always yours

April 21st 1916