Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Letters from Grandpa 22 February 1916

Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Golconda, Nevada

Miss Allene S Kelley, 

Little bread is better than no bread at all Dearest, and it will be the little that my girlie'll be getting today. Haven't had a moment's time all day till now and the train will be here in about five minutes, or less, so if there's an abrupt ending you'll understand. Trains only come to about a standstill and then start right up again at this place,-and I don't blame 'em.

Tho't you'd appreciate those pictures of me. Honestly I didn't know I did look that way. Hardly see how pictures can lie tho'.

That's a real luxury,--living so close to the City [San Francisco-ed.] that you can go almost whenever you wish without losing a lot of time. Selfishness makes me glad that the Berk'y [Berkeley-ed.] and Oak'd [Oakland-ed.] boys have dates ahead till the 24th of March and causes me to wish they'd continue to have dates ahead--way ahead. Of course I want you to have a dandy time--all the time dear--but the City is no place for a nice respectable girl to be running around loose with college boys (or any others) than Carlin is for a boy.

Train's coming--
I love you dear.


Washington's Birthday

1 comment:

  1. I just adore readin' these old letters sweetie, I'm so happy your sharin' 'em with us!

    God bless ya and have a most extraordinary day! :o)
