Sunday, January 29, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 27 February 1916

Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Golconda, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley

Dearest:-Two letters from you this morning and a heavy snow storm were the starters for an exciting day. We've been "swamped" alright with the excitement of leaving Golconda and there hasn't been a second, hardly since morning that we haven't been doing something. Collecting and paying bills--packing and repacking--, we've got such a collection of "junk" that it must be packed just so or it won't fit~ and saying goodbye to the bunch.-Why it seemed like we'd lived in Golconda for ever. Anyhow we are here in Battle M't'n and the Post office is open for a few minutes while the trains mail is made up-hence my hurry. The train goes to Austin in the morning instead of the motor car as I tho't. Motor is rougher riding but makes better time than the train. "Everything equalizes" (Rich man gets his ice in the summer, poor man get's his in winter).

'Twas very nice of Marian Decker to get off and take a look at Elko and then to admit that it is a very nice place.

I've got to stop else you won't get this--

Love from 

Sunday 27th

Telegram from Grandpa 27 Feb 1916

Western Union Telegram

Golconda Nev 1205PM Feb 27 1916

Miss Allene Kelley
Modesto Cal

Adios Allene Snow storm today but ish ga bibble

443 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 24 Feb 1916

Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Golconda, Nevada

Miss Allene Kelley

Allene, My Dearest:-
Keep on taking "foolish powders" if that's the way they effect you. That's the grandest letter you ever wrote me. You just turned yourself loose in good shape and filled it full you-eyness and I like it. And I don't know whether I've done any giggling but I do know I caught myself laughing out loud several times while I was reading it and even afterwards when I'd think of something you'd said.

I just love those spontaneous letters dear and I try to write 'em too but mine don't always come out that way. They're labored. Suspect I'm worrying when there isn't a thing in the world to bother me, but if you'll continue to send me those letters with so much of you in them dear, 'twill do wonders toward diverting my mind from unnecessary business worries.

Darn it all, (excuse the french) anyhow I wish I was constituted differently. I'm not at all satisfied with myself. When everything is going along fine and there isn't anything on hand to bother me I take a fit of some sort and get restless and all out of sorts and that's a ~~~~~~well it is. But thanks to you dear,-your letter has filled me up with real live "Joys" and chased the "Glooms" miles and miles away. Hurrah!! Also my cold didn't linger. It went as fast as it came but the summer suit is folded nicely and packed away in my suitcase.

Just for that I'm not going to send you any more candy for a long time dear. If you can't, or won't. eat it, what's the use? Think of the pile of money I'd have if I'd save all that I spend for candy for you!! Maybe it'd amount to $2.00 in a year or 2. When I do get rich dear, I'll remember what you said so no more lectures, altho' I like them too.

I'm planning too, dear, but it isn't Mills or anything like it~~Will tell you later on---just as soon as I can see some of said plans materializing. In the meantime forget your woman's curiosity--if you can, if not you must.
Yes, I am glad you didn't go to Mills this year.

And to look back, it is agreeably queer,-our meeting, the trip, etc. It was a most pleasant trip for me I can assure you. If the opportunity presents itself I certainly will tell Dr. Moore what you said, tho' I hardly think he'll ever tell me that he objects to my presence in Elko, but I guess he'd rather I'd be there than out on the road covering "his territory" as he calls it. Poor Moore!

Calling my attention to the length of your letter dear was entirely unnecessary. I noticed it with great pleasure the first thing. You were happy and so am I.

Always yours
February 24th

P.S. We go to Austin from here.