Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Allene Kelley and Frank Russell Engagement Announcement

Allene Kelley is my maternal grandmother. Here is the newspaper announcement of her engagement to my grandfather, Frank H. Russell.

From "Modesto Evening News" Saturday, July 15, 1916

"The News' Social Page by Mrs. A. A. Fields. Phone 6622"

"Miss Allene Kelly Announces Engagement"

"One of the most interesting events of the week was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Allene Kelly and Dr. Frank Huntington Russell, of Elko, Nevada, which was made at a delightful luncheon given Thursday at one o'clock at the lovely home in Fifteenth street, of Miss Kelly's aunt, Mrs. W. C. Maze.

"The luncheon table was beautiful with pink carnations, breath of heaven ferns, while from the chandelier hung pink tulle intertwined with pink ribbon and pink forget-me-nots in a shower boquet effect. The places were marked by Cupie brides and pink tulle bags of rice tied with pink ribbon. At each place was a pink box of candies and nuts tied with pink ribbon and forget-me-nots, and in the lid of each box was a card on which was the welcome news. The afternoon was occupied with bridge, Mrs. Albert Cressey Maze winning the prize for high score.

"Miss Kelly has made her home with her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Maze, for the last several years and is one of the most popular girls of the younger set. Dr. Russell is a popular young dentist of Elko, Nevada, and after the wedding, which will take place sometime in October, the young couple will make their home in Elko.

" At the luncheon table Thursday were: Mesdames Albert Cressey Maze, Louise Steele-Smith, Herbert Kelly and Hugh Downey; Misses Lena Schafer, Bethel Camp, Ethel Wilbur, Marie Wren, Hazel Howard, Irma Daulton, Allene Kelly, and Miss Hazel Kelly, of San Jose, who is a house guest at the Maze home."

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