Monday, October 18, 2010

Letters from Grandpa 6 Nov. 1915

I was sent a box of mementos which belonged to my grandmother, Allene Kelley Russell. Much of what was in the box were letters she had received from my grandfather, Frank H. Russell, during their courtship. This is the text from the first letter.

Written on letter paper from Hotel Turpin, 17 Powell St., San Francisco, California

Dear Allene
It seems to me it has been a year since I "got" your last letter,--it's been almost a week--and I want another so I'm going to pen you a few lines and put you in debt to me.

Had made all arrangements for leaving Thursday, but received a letter from a cousin in Los Angeles which caused me to postpone my return to Elko indefinitely. It is a business proposition and if, after I've talked it over with him, I decide to take it up I will stay in California.

He wired me that he would come to San Francisco in a week or ten days. Maybe I'll not wait for him but will go down there. Anyhow there's a little girlie down near there whom I'd like to see. She's in such a prison and has so many guards watching over her tho' that I'm afraid I'd find all entrances-and exits too--barred. Let us be thankful for small favors and larger ones in proportion. I am thankful for the privelege [sic] of writing to her altho' I'm still wondering if these epistles must be passed by the board of censors before she gets 'em.

I wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Maze but as yet have not heard from them.--Possibly they answered and the letter is in Elko. I hope they are well and happy and able to write to you often enough to keep you from getting lonesome and homesick. Of course now that you have learned to talk french [sic] you can keep yourself company--huh? Ask yourself questions in one language and answer in the other, huh? again.

Any more exciting baloons [sic] or awful electric shocks-or-teacher's birthdays?

Now don't wait a week Allene to answer--cause I'm the boy who doesn't like to wait.

Sincerely yours

San Francisco, November 6th, 1915

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