Monday, February 17, 2014

Letters from Grandpa 13 Apr 1916

After ten days return to
D. Quilici Bros.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in
General Merchandise
Wells, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

My Dearest:- This morning, what do you think? - I've got to go and do some surveying! One of the old settlers here and for whom I've done lots of work in the past came to me and asked that I run out some lines as a personal favor. So I'm back at the old job again -- for a few hours. 

And it's cold. It froze ice last night. Well it snowed day before yesterday -- what do you think of such a blinkety blank country?

We're going to leave Wells tomorrow, - going to stop at a ranch 'tween here and Elko. Will arrive in the metropolis, said Elko, Saturday P.M., then?? for a day or two. I might add, or say, rather,that we are headed for Eureka again but will put in a day or two at Lamoille, 20 miles south-east of Elko, first.

Allene dearest, you're nothing short of a wonder, - you should know I mean it by now. I've had occasion several times before now to notice how very clever and with such simple ease you voice your feelings. I certainly admire you, dear, for it, and grieve because of my inability to be like you in that respect. I'm so darned stupid and slow - I can't talk at all. Really I have to make signs, - and it's very apparent I need some lessons even in that mode of expression.

Now that you mentioned it dear I must say your suggestion is a very sensible one; that it will be lots better if we do write less often; when there is something of mutual interest, - and not try to force ourselves into writing daily. But lissten, dear, don't let's get so negligent that we get out of the notion entirely -- of course I know I won't, - I'm only in doubt about you on that point.

That's very nice of you dear, to say the picture does not flatter. I honestly think it pretty good, - but I'll not insist on convincing you that I'm right -- other than to present my own self for comparison as soon as possible. That's fair "enuff" isn't it?

With love dearest
Yours always

April 13th, 1916

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