Friday, April 6, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 12 March 1916

Commercial Hotel
W. M. Doyle, Prop.
Elko, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

Elko, Dearest, but only for a day. Leave here in the morning for Eureka and triweekly mail service. And have missed two of your letters-yesterdays and the one that should have come this morning. They'll come here, then be forwarded to Eureka.

Wish you were here. 'Tis a perfect day,-just right for a dandy long ride in the little roadster. Come on with me dear, I'm going out in it in a few minutes.~ 'Long as you won't go I'm going to take Mrs. Doyle.~~Oh, and her daughter Florence,~~and oh, again- It's Mrs W.M. Doyle and she's the only wife of one of my very best friends and Florence will be three years old on the marnin' if the siventeenth-and her daddy will probably celebrate the occasion as he did the event of three years ago.

I'll tell you dear it's like home, this little place of Elko,~~home~~to me. I hate to have to leave again in the morning but duty calls and I've got to answer. After this year tho' things are going to be different and I predict smoothe [sic] sailing for us.

Here's my party dearest - Always with lovin' thots and love itself.

Just yours only
Sunday, March 12

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