Box 162
Elko, Nevada
Miss Allene S. Kelley,
Dearest Girl o' Mine,
I'm still on the job,~ the teeth didn't cook too much and the patient is "tickled to death" with the work. A pleased patient is our best ad.
But what I'd like to know dear, is who is to blame for my failure to get a letter from you dated the 27th? Yours of the 26th came yesterday, accompanied by one from your aunt, dated the 27th, and the one this morning was written Friday. Now dear, you have forbidden my scolding and to prove my lovely nature I acquiesce in your favor~~this once; but you surely can't object if I tell you I'm disappointed when there's a day missed. I want one for every day even if they are not received for three or four days, if (again) then they come three or four in a bunch. I'm selfish dear, but can't help it, nor do I want to, where you are concerned.
Gosh! Sell that beautiful home! Do you really believe he will,~or wants to? Seems like a shame to even think of it,~but if he gets his price~~! And you haven't any idea where you might go? Well dear, should the deal go thru' and you leave Modesto all you've got to do is to tell me the new address and when the time comes I'll get there.
All the weather prophets around here say this last storm is the last big one we'll have for a while and if that's the case we will be at our destination in a few days. Was talking to the stage driver last night, the fellow who had that terrible experience (he's alright now) and he says "they'll be able to get us thru' in a few days, about Wednesday." They are driving stock etc. over the road now to break it. When we get there, dear, the triweekly mail service and the uncertainty of stage lines out here will put a damper on our daily missives but we can write a few lines daily anyhow. Now that the time is drawing near and we have been away from Elko so long I hate to go up there to that old mining camp, but what can a poor man do?
With love dear, I'm always yours
Sunday Afternoon,
Jan. 30th, 1916
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