My Dearest:~
If that little card in the frame conveys your tho'ts,~and I believe you selected it and sent it because it did,~I'm happier than when I received your picture. Every little message or remembrance from you dear just adds to my happiness, so you mustn't think the picture is any the less appreciated.
And I'm so glad you were pleased with the contents of the package I sent. Needless to say your wish that I could have been in Modesto was my wish but I suppose~yes know~if I had been there I'd have been just as scared and shy as I was at H. H. [Huntington Hall-ed.] Maybe I'll overcome that trait of my nature some time.
Tomorrow we,~Dr. Whitesides my partner,~ and I expect to start to Midas, (via Golconda) Nevada. It's a little mining town about 150 miles from here. We will take our instruments etc. and remain in the camp as long as we are busy,~maybe a week and maybe six.
I hate to leave Elko even for a little while but duty calls and necessity demands. You bet Elko is a nice little town dear~at least I think so. Wide streets? Why the main business street is so wide you almost need a telescope to see across.
It isn't a mining town altho' there is considerable mining going on around here. It is the county seat of Elko County and it's [sic] principal resourses [sic] are ranching and stock raising.
We are on the main line of two transcontinental railroads, the U. P. and S. P. so are supplied with two express companies. We also have the Postal telegraph service besides the Western Union. Telephones, electric lights, in fact almost all modern conveniences.
Will write or wire you, dear soon as I reach Midas, but in the meantime don't you wait~address me there~I'll get the letter.
Just think, in Midas New Year's Eve! Well it serves me right but that doesn't relieve the agony of going to bed with those tho'ts. Will have to do it tho' cause it's past midnight
Always yours
December 27th, 1915~
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