F. H. Russell, C. E.
Surveyor and Draftsman
Written on stationery from:
Commercial Hotel
W. M. Doyle, Prop.
Elko, Nevada
Miss Allene S. Kelley
Huntington Hall
South Pasadena, California
Allene Dear:-
Every day since Thanksgiving I've tried to write to you and it seems as tho' I must have used up about all the stationery in town, but thanks for the fact there is
Your letter from Huntington Hall saying you were going to San Diego to be away five days wasn't received, dear, till Thanksgiving morning, and 'twas written on Monday so I didn't have time to reach you by letter there, even if I could have written. The postal was received yesterday. Day before yesterday I got a dandy letter from Mrs. Maze and of course I'll answer it as soon as I can. Gee, she's a dandy lady,~I "sure" like her.
Did you have your fill of Thanksgiving goodies? I certainly did and it took me about two days to "overcome my error"-(apologies to Mrs. M.)
You want to know if it really is so cold here. Well you bet it is,~there's snow and ice everywhere!! I'll be away from it tho' pretty soon. I'm going to leave Elko for good~and I hope it's for better, or rather, best.
Took my old Huiton [sp?-ed.] back a short time ago and as soon as I get my business straightened out here I'll drive it to Los Angeles. Expect to get started in a week or so.
Did you enjoy the San Diego fair? Beautiful buildings and grounds, but more like a park than a fair, I tho't.
I'm expecting a letter from you in the morning, dear, telling me you received the candy I expressed to H. Hall
Guess I'd better stop writing or I won't have anything to tell you when I answer that letter so, good night dear.
Sincerely yours
November 30th ~1915~
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