Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letters from Grandpa 4 January 1916

Box 162
Elko, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley
1020~15th St.
Modesto, California

Dearest Miss:~
Of all the exciting things!!! Snow ~ wow! ~~Snow in Modesto surely was exciting but here dear it's very unusual to find anything else. Just a few nights ago we saw the thermometer register 20[degrees] below zero and only last night we had a fresh coating of several inches of the "beautiful." Every day now they are harvesting the crop that nature grows,~ice. Sleighing and skating are grand~~and should you get "spilled" you'd not be bothered with mud. The ground is frozen for perhaps a foot and a half~~Oh this is a lovely country dear~~at times, but this doesn't happen to be one of them. 

In a day or two,~about Thursday or Friday,~we expect to "pull up stakes" and try again to get to Midas. We will stop at Battle Mountain at least long "enuff" to see what's doing in our line~if we can get there. As I told you once before you'll know when we land. Should there be the least doubt dear send the letter to Elko, and maybe you'd better answer this one there. That address will always reach me and 'twill not take much over a day longer.

In your letter dear you asked me a question I've already answered. And by now you have that letter so know what I did~besides think of you~New Year's Eve.

Please deliver the following to Mrs. C.W. M., dear~~"Regards received for which many thanks and a sincere wish for a very Happy 1916 New Year~~and a' hundred more."

The picture hasn't materialized yet~When I get it I'll send you one but must exact a promise that you'll return it, if I don't consider it a good likeness in exchange for one I do. Is that a bargain?

Awaiting a hasty reply, I am
     Always yours,
Carlin, Nevada,
January 4th,

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