Monday, March 12, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 1 March 1916

The International Hotel
Austin, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley

Here it is nearly eleven P.M. Dearest, and I just finished work.

My deliberating patient will be up to see me at ten in the morning,-about the time I finish with this first one. I'll "land" him.

Last night I was so tired when I finished work I hardly knew what I was writing. And in your letter you told me about your headache and your left ear burning like sixty and I didn't even tell you I was sorry, dear, when I was all the time. Now today's mail brings another letter telling of more suffering, but I'm glad it's all over and the little mole is gone.

You're sure some goer when you start if you always to the rounds as you did this time.

Don't know why you didn't get a letter Monday cause I wrote Saturday and Sunday too and that's doing pretty well--for me. Sunday's was mailed in Battle Mountain.

Aw, thunder dear, I can't write tonight,-it just won't come out of me, so buenos noches.

Just yours,

March 1st

[On the back of the last page:]
Now my left ear is burning-I wonder if it is a forerunner of a "call" you're going to give me, afc of this excuse.

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