The International Hotel
Austin, Nevada
Miss Allene S. Kelley,
Dearest:-Ever since I regained consciousness,-and that happened after a twelve hour sleep which ended at seven o'clock this morning,-I've been thinking of the explanation of the mail service I gave you in my post script Saturday night. Maybe you noticed at a glance that I was all "twisted," if not you will know that the day for the missing letter (when you get this) was yesterday and not today.
Well the big rush is over and I'll be able to rest up a little. Have a full day's work laid out for tomorrow but can take my time. We will probably leave here Saturday and haven't decided where to, but will let you know, of course.
Got two letters from you today dear and in one of them you sort of apologize for its being brief and promise a longer one tomorrow. It isn't the length of your letters dear that counts,- it's the daily expressed tho't, so in the future just bear that in mind dear~~and me too.
Austin's a dull town. I've only been out of the hotel about twice and both times were to go to the P.O. to mail letters to you--and I'm going again now.
All my love dear.
Ever yours
March 6th, 1916
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