Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 7 March 1916

The International Hotel
Austin, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

Allene Dearest, Your promised  fat one was received today as per schedule. In it you speak of getting my letters earlier in the day, but two days after they are written. One of those days is lost between here and Battle M't'n. And in your post script you sort of prod my memory regarding some very important questions you asked me a month ago.

I remember very distinctly dear of telling you that I had some plans for the future but that I couldn't tell you what they were--nor even consult you regarding them--as the time and the place were not right.

First dearest I want to ask if the important questions weren't regarding these plans and then that you be patient and wait;--will you, Allene?

So you'd be extremely jealous if I worked over girls or women patients, huh? Am glad to hear you say that dear but you'll have very little cause for any feeling of that kind as most all our work has been and is on men. Anyhow I'm not stuck on working on nervous touchy women. Doc. W. seems to like it and it "goes" with me fine.

Business is still good tho' no big jobs on hand.

Anxiously awaiting your reply dear to find out if I'm on the right track regarding those important questions and to hear what answer you will give to my requests I am,

Your ever sincere,

Austin, Nevada,
March 7th 1916

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