Monday, March 5, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 29 February 1916

The International Hotel
Wm. Easton, Proprietor
Austin, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley, 

Here am I, Dearest,-sound and safe. And what would you expect--?--Well don't venture even one guess till I tell you the very first patient has paid the expense of the trip--or at least he will. Two patients were bro't into the office the first thing, by an old friend, and I landed one for a hundred and sixty dollar job and the other is trying to make me cut from two hundred and twenty five to two hundred even. There's nothing to it, I'll land him even if I have to compromise. There's no other dentist here.--Maybe we will be detained longer than one week.

Now dear that's all I'm going to bother you with regarding business matters tonight. But it was such an agreeable welcome and surprise when we were not counting on "taking in" much more than expenses. Will enclose a card- my friend's picture and names of the patients on reverse side. These fellows are sheepmen--sheepherders.

Listen dear, in your letter of the 25th you remark about lack of "pep" in your letters account of short acquaintance. There may be something to that, but Allene dear, let me assure you there is not the least expression or word in your missives that I do not give a thorough analysis and I think I can detect the you from the other parts. Ant it does sound good dear when you sort of forget yourself and just say the what you think in plain ungarnished words. It's just like a warm greeting from an old friend whom you haven't seen in years. I know your presence is going to knock courage clear out of me, dear, so I'll try and be honest, and frank, and sincere while I'm rational.

Sometime, as soon as fortune favors, if you'll permit me,--I'm going to Modesto and give you an opportunity of getting better acquainted with me,--so you can be at ease--and me too--at all times.

Must leave you now dear--goodnight.

Always yours

February 28th, 1916
10:30 P.M.

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