Monday, March 5, 2012

Letters from Grandpa 28 February 1916

Battle Mountain, Nevada
Box 22

Miss Allene S. Kelley,

'Nother note Dear to tell you all's well and we leave for Austin in a few minutes.

It's ninety miles up there and it takes about nine hours to get there and they charge by time rather than mileage. Nine "bucks" one way!~And we make it up on about the first patient who 'lights.

"And you still grow fat," dear!! How much have you taken on lately? And say you'd better hold on 'cause I tho't you were heavy enough but maybe you think that's a matter of opinion--and maybe you're right. But anyhow dear I admired you the way you were and if you go piling on fat you're liable to spoil it all.

Say I've got to beat it dear and get out tickets etc. Train leaves in thirty minutes and everything's all piled up here in our room.

With all my love


Battle Mountain,
Feb'y 28, 1916

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