Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letters from Grandpa 13 January 1916

Capitol Hotel
W. C. Hancock, Prop.
Battle Mountain, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,
1020~15th St.,

Allene Dearest:~
The letter and pictures came this morning and I've been busy every blessed minute till now,~9:30~, or I would have had this letter written and gone.

It's real live snow alright but what we call "wet" The sleighing must have been about the same as boat riding--in the mud.

Where are you, dear, in the group? I had no trouble locating "uncle and auntie" but none of the other faces seem familiar.

Well what do you think of that Miss Housel? She must have a "terrible" mean disposition to want to keep your clothes when it's so cold and snowy where you are. That's just like an old maid school teacher.

Yesterday dear I told you business was good, today you ask if the trip is going to be worth while. Will answer that by telling you it has to be cause we're going to stay until we make enough to furnish a swell office~~and we've got a good start and haven't arrived at Midas, where we expect to "make the haul," yet.

We've certainly got some boosters. I know most everybody around here and a great many knew Dr. Whitesides when he was over around Mina and Hawthorne.

Say, dearest, that was certainly a sweet little card you sent. It came in this morning's mail but was put in with hotel's mail and I didn't get it till later. Wish I could show you my appreciation. Will have to eliminate that enchanting distance tho' first.

We took some snow pictures last Sunday~There's three more films on the roll. When those are exposed I'll have 'em all developed and will show you what snow is.

It's "pertinear" my bed-time so 'll say good night dear.

Love from yours
January 13th, 1916

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