Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Eugene L. Dutertre, Proprietor
Golconda, Nevada
Miss Allene S. Kelley,
1020-15th St.,
Dearest Girl:~
"We go from here" as the saying is. Tomorrow morning we leave the railroad and take the auto-touch stage which will take us and our baggage to within ten l o n g miles of Midas. Those ten in a sled~ wowie!! I'll bet we don't spoil on the trip~~frozen things keep, don't they?
So the picture arrived at last,~and it pleased you! Guess it's alright only I know it was the photographer this time who is to blame for a black eye. In the picture I have an unnatural black ring under the right optic. Now that's no fault of mine.
I was pretty lucky today~~got two letters from you dear. Was out of luck yesterday tho.' nothing [sic] doing. Trains were blockaded and this morning's train bro't delayed mail. Got this evening's letter a few minutes before we left Battle Mountain.
Gosh I've,~we've~, been busy! Just finished with the last patient today in time to pack up and catch train. Guess I'd better send you a "Nite Letter" to make up for one of the two I got today then this'n will be an answer to the other. No need to apologize for using uncle's office stationery, dear. If you accept, without complaint, the stuff I grab and send you can bet I'll not kick. Anyhow, dear, it's not the stationery, it's what you write that counts~ and what I notice.
So your friend Hazel is going to try her d_____est to cut you out? I've never seen her dear, but she "hasn't a chinaman's chance." Tell her I have a pair of nice brothers~ at least I think they are~ and they're better looking and unincumbered [sic] (free as the air) and if she's in the market she must put in her application stating age, height, weight, pecuniary possessions,etc. etc.
In answer to your question, there are three George Russells in Elko. I have no known relation by the name of Russell other than Morris, my older brother, and Earle, my "baby" brother (he's 28).
That's the system, dear,~"practice makes perfect"~so keep it up and you'll reap the harvest~~But steer clear of "sharks" and don't practice gambling. Two dollars is two too many.
Oh before I forget it,~there's only a triweekly mail service to Midas. Monday's, Wed's & Fri's-returning Tuesday's, Thurs' and Saturdays so you should get your letters Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Think it's about time I was calling a halt, dear, with more oodles of love~twice as many as you sent, if possible.
Always yours
Golconda, Sunday night,
January 16th 1916
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