Sunday, April 10, 2011

Letters from Grandpa 20 January 1916

Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Eugene L. Dutertre Proprietor
Golconda, Nevada

Miss Allene S. Kelley,
1020 15th St.,

Dearest Little Girl:~
Your inference was correct as your letter did mean pleasure to me. they [sic] always do; can't you tell that dear from the way I act and answer them? Yes and by the way I keep writing even when they don't come? Hadn't received one from you for several days until today. This one was written on the 16th and was accompanied by the one from your aunt. I surely like your aunt dear,~and doesn't she write the most interesting letters? They are just like herself,~just the way she talks.

I can't help laughing at her at times, about her science; but she is brim full of good common (horse) sense and that's what counts. You're certainly a lucky girlie to have such lovely relations as she and Mr. Maze.

No wonder I didn't recognize you in that picture~Such a sight!! You aught to be ashamed!

I don't know anyone in Battle M't'n by the name of Hammond. How in the world do you get all these names, dear,~Hendersons Russells Hammonds etc.?

The Dodge has long since been discarded. We left it at Carlin.That's just 100 miles from here. We've been traveling by rail since. And Midas is 50-1/8 miles of a stage ride from here. Surprising as it may seem to you,-and it was to us-we are going to be quite busy here for several days. Have that much work ahead of us already with favorable prospects of more coming in. I believe we'll~well it doesn't look as tho' we'd have to make any excuses at all..

In the conclusion of your letter dear you bid me good-bye to go and polish your nose, or something like that, for George Milton. You knew you'd make no impression, so you said. Well I'm way out here in pretty deep snow~~and a little "hot water," but I hope George is really and truly very very much in love with Lucile.

With love dearest,

January 20th 1916.

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