Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letters from Grandpa 22 January 1916

Golconda Hot Springs Hotel
Golconda, Nevada
The Whitesides Co

Miss Allene S. Kelley,
1020 15th St.

Dearest Allene:~
After I'd written I received two letters from you yesterday. The one written on the 18th, addressed to Elko and the other on the 20th to this place, "Goldaruya." The latter one sort of puzzled me until this morning when I was again agreeably, double agreeably, welcomed at the P.O. by the one of the 19th, forwarded from Elko and the other of the 21st, sent direct.

Now I am short just the one written on the 17th and it must be in Midas. The stage left here last Monday and hasn't returned altho'  it is scheduled to go on one day and return the next. There is some snow out here.

Don't think for a minute dear that I'm going to condense an answer to all four of 'em in one letter~~and leave myself short of material for the one tomorrow. Truth of the matter is I haven't read the last one yet and I can hardly wait to finish this. Had to read the one in between to clear up the mystery. Gee it was a long wait, those four days dear, without a line from you and I can tell you I was kind of uneasy, but everything is all lovely again and if old Dame Nature will only quit interfering there'll be no more of 'em."

Didn't you like "So Long Letty?" I tho't it simply great. And Charlotte Greenwood is surely the one who put the "Long" in the name. And "Grace" was good too~~but Grace is fat!~like Hazel(?)

I see you are cultivating an extravigant [sic] pastime, dear, besides degenerating, and I'm both shocked and surprised. It's terrible dear,~to gamble,~~(longer pause)~and lose, but it isn't half bad when you win. Is it? Anyhow this life is nothing but a gamble after all and so long as one doesn't cheat it's alright to get the other fellow's money. Self preservation at all times.

I don't know anything about my brother's affairs, dear,~that is, their "affairs d'amour." I have often noticed that they are very particular about their appearance and if that is the sign of a woman hater then we are. I don't know whether they are unlike myself, but whenever there are young ladies present they cut up like two-year-olds and act just as foolish; and I don't think any of us are woman haters. That's all I know about it except that I'm hard to please.~~There's more that I might add, dear, but there's a time and a place for everything~and a girl too. I will say that this is not the date nor do I think the location correct.

So my french [sic] phrase didn't call forth the dictionary? Too smart,~little girl, but you missed when you tho't I gained my wonderful knowledge from some associate. Several years ago I visited Canada,~up around Montreal,~and I noticed at all Rail-road Crossing signs were the usual warnings in english [sic] and also the french [sic] words "Traverse de Chemin de Fer"~~well "Traverse," I guessed, must be "crossing." So it was not association but observation, dear.

I've just got to get into that other letter dear~can't wait another minute so you'll get an answer to these last two in my tomorrow's.

With love always, dear,
January 22nd

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